Are you being a good CEO to your self?
Most Leaders are Burnt-Out, Tired, and Just Making It Out Alive.
Hey team…
Hope you all had a great weekend! I had a busy weekend speaking at a great mastermind group on Friday, and then hitting Yankee Stadium on Saturday!
After the mastermind, I came home and wrote about it on LinkedIn.. and wanted to share the message with you.. It is geared towards those high achievers out there.. (which I know all of you are).. and is written with more of a business tone.. but I know it will have impact for those Coaches and Athletes on the blog as well! I hope you enjoy!
So this weekend I had the chance to speak with a group of hard-charging, world-changing entrepreneurs at Scott Duffy’s Mastermind.
My favorite part about speaking to high octane groups like this is their passion for learning, their passion for information acquisition, and their passion to get an “edge.”
They remind me so much of my athletes. Always looking for the edge.
But there is a difference between the sports athlete and the business athlete: readiness & preparedness to play the game.
My 60 minute talk was based on this one question: ARE YOU FIT ENOUGH TO PLAY THE GAME?
Are you in peak condition to where you are able to compete against some of the best minds in the world?
Are you able to handle the day in and day out stress of winning and losing?
Are you fit to handle the travel?
The constant demands on your schedule?
Are you truly ready to play the game without wearing down?
Many, are not.
The majority are not ready to play.
This is concerning. It is also the main fundamental reason behind burnout, panic attacks, and stress related syndromes taking place at rapid rates in the entrepreneurial and corporate cultures of today.
It can be stopped. With coaching, planning, and a structured approach to handle audibles. That is what my practice is built on. Helping Type A, high achievers optimize their performance and their life.
We start by understanding their natural thought patterns and habits. The reoccurring themes that drive and dominate their life on a day to day basis. We look to see where they feel short changed, and where they are short changing others. Then we deep dive into their health indicators and lifestyle.
Where do you melt? Where do you thrive? Do you run a shot-run offense to start your day, or, do you coast into your day like a champion would? In a hustle, grind culture, we must realize that is not the solution but the problem. Hustle and grind are two words associated with forcing something… the goal is to make action more of a natural situation. A natural action. An action that is driven by, and aligned to very clear and connected mission, vision, and goals.
Then we build the daily routines and re-wire habits to match.
Are you ready to play the game?
Are you fit to win?
Are you training to achieve optimal performance or just dabbling?
I asked the group another simple question: Are you being a good CEO to your self?
You must treat your mind and body as if they are Company #1- and you are looking to reach Earnst & Young status as being a top CEO. Make this priority first place, and you will soon find everything else around you acting as such. In order to truly thrive in business, it starts with you thriving personally.
Never forget that. In times of business struggle, look for personal struggle and disconnection. That, often times, is the source of your woes. Dysfunctional psychology and physiology will always kill even the best of strategy.
Coach Dana Cavalea is the former Director of Performance for the New York Yankees. He is also the author of his new book, Habits of a Champion, due out this fall. In addition to coaching high level athletes, he is an international speaker who focuses on helping leaders become Fit to Win in sports, life, and business.
If you are looking for a coach to get you recharged and ready to play, contact Coach Cavalea by clicking here to schedule a strategy session.
Originally published at