Carb Cravings in the Winter?
Find out what may be causing your cravings!
Do you find yourself binging for carbs in the Winter?
I know that I do..
Especially living i n the colder climate-- for those of you who do not.. (totally jealous)..
But for those of us who endure the cold temperatures for a few months per year.. if you find yourself craving pastas, breads, muffins, and other "filler" foods..
It is probably not because you are hungry.. but rather DEHYDRATED.
You see, so many of us in the Winter do not hydrate with the same frequency as we do in the Summer and Spring... or Spring and Summer :)..
We instead are subbing our beverages for more teas and coffees(both diuretics).. responsible for actually extracting water from the bodies cells. This creates more dehydration..
Who believes you can actually get dehydrated in the Winter?
It is a bit far fetched.. but I feel Winter-Based dehydration is actually more common..
Your propensity to drink water is less (because it is cold).. so therefore.. the body says: "Hey.. how am I going to get water for cellular health if you are not drinking?? We will eat carbs.."
You want to know why?
A carbohydrate is actually 6-parts water!
C6H12O6 for your scientists out there.. is the molecular makeup of a carb.. you can see that H20 in there..Can't Ya?
SO... as I camp out writing this on a cold day in NYC.. with my water and cappuccino sitting side by side.. (pic above) I hope you enjoy.. and get hydrated!
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