Do TheWork, Get The Reward
Most people struggle to get results not because they lack ability, but because they lack trust.
Hi Team…
I have to share his with you today….
It is based on the mantra: If you change, you will change.
As you know, I have been taking a group of 20-individuals through my Champions-30 program and yesterday was the start of our second week.
Each Monday, the team, like a sports team has weigh-ins.
The results of the weigh-ins yesterday were awesome!
As a group, the team averaged 5.1lbs. of weight-loss- with the highest loss being 9.2lbs and plenty of individuals at 7lbs.of loss.
Why do I tell you this?
What does this have to do with growth and development?
Well- let me tell you…
ALL of these individuals were 100% open to trying something new, doing something new, and trusting their coach to help them.
No resistance.
They are all just executing on the plan, asking questions as they arise, and working to support each other.
What if we were all more like this?
What if our teams and companies ran like this?
Well, something tells me if they did- results would be similar to what we are seeing here.
I am the quarterback and called the play- now my team is running it and having success.
For all it is weight-loss and losing body-fat by reducing junk weight….
For many, they are seeing increased energy….
For others, they are sleeping better…
For some, no more bloat and reflux…
In a freakin week!
That is how fast one can change…
But, you must be open…
You must trust…
You must have a plan…
I can not tell you how many closed minded people I have coached in my career- they all end up sucking…
I hate coaching them…
They do not get results…
They just suck- because they choose to.
Coach, I am trying to lose the weight…
Do the fucking work and you will lose the weight….
Same is true for all things…
Do the work, get the reward.
Stop the lies, the excuses, the chatter.
Get to work- seriously.
There is not way around it.
But here is the thing about The Champions-30- it is not about willpower- or resistance, or forcing….
There is not a pressure but an excitement…
Here is the plan, execute the plan.
We are not relying on will-power to win here.
We are leaning into our training and instruction.
That is how victory is had- just look at the military and sports…
Ok- rant over.
So proud and wanted to share.
I hope I get to coach you next.
Our next Champions 30 Camp starts May 16th!
Your Coach,