Member-only story
Life Always Favors the Bold
Boldness does not have to mean causing riots, but, it does mean making an impact on the World around you.
Hi Team…
First off- I hope all of you are safe.
Next- I have a message for you: BE BOLD in everything that you do…..
Last night, I was doing a zoom chat with my baseball buddies and we had an amazing talk about life, sports, relationships, and being the best you can be….
We talked about how life favors the BOLD.
Think about all of those people that have made an impact on your life…
They probably had the courage to tell you something nobody else did….
Or, they saw something in your nobody else did….
Maybe they just gave you the time that nobody else did….
Boldness is not about changing the world…
But, it is about changing the world of those that are in your world…
Look at it as investing in somebody else….
What if more managers looked at management this way?