The Danger of Personal Development

Outside of social media, one of the most addictive acts one can engage in is personal development. Once you start, it is easy to get hooked.

3 min readFeb 3, 2022

Hi Team…

There is something I wanted to address today: Personal Development…

After 1893, the Progressive Era began in America- and it was marked by the belief that man had the ability to improve the conditions of his life.

*An orphan by the name of Orison Swett Marden had toiled under abusive employers for a decade, resigned to his fate in the farmlands of New England.

His serendipitous discovery of Self-Help by the Scottish reformer Samuel Smiles awakened the ambition to change his life and led to a new career devoted to inspiring and encouraging others to reach their potential. (*credit =success magazine).

The advancement of self-help came from names like psychologist Alfred Adler and Carl Jung, as well as the man who was commissioned by Andrew Carnegie to study the wealthiest men in World, Napoleon Hill.

From there, you had names like Jim Rohn and Tony Robbins pick up the personal development torch- teaching their philosophies on life and living and how you can do it better…




World Champion New York Yankees Director of Strength & Performance. High Performance Executive Coach. Keynote Speaker. On-Camera Talent. #trainlikeapro