What Tom Petty Taught me About Life…

We Can All Learn Something…

3 min readOct 15, 2017

Learning to Fly..

Started out on a dirty road.

Started out all alone…

Now this is a blog about performance, but we can all learn a few things from a master musical craftsman and lyricist like Gainesville’s favorite son, Tom Petty.

Watching his documentary a few weeks ago on ‘How He Made It’.. you saw the grind.

You saw that in order to make in the world of music — not dive bar music but Warner Brothers type music — it takes consistent push, effort, and the ability to deal with high levels of rejection on a daily basis. It took sleeping in slums, on floors, and on couches.. before you can experience the glamour of high end hotels and coach buses.

Same as sports. Same as business. Same as anything in life that has great reward once achieved.

Some say life will beat you down, break your heart and steal your crown.. for God knows where.. I guess I ‘ll know when I get there…

We all have to get comfortable flying without wings because nothing is guaranteed.. so while you are navigating your life… take the risks..

Unless you are jumping out of plane without a parachute your chances of making it out alive are VERY GOOD.

Trust the process and trust the path. Trust the obstacles and trust the victories.

As I have battled through ebb and flow of life… many lessons continue to present themselves.. reoccurring themes is what I like to call them..

1. If you let things get you nuts.. they will…

2. Take people and things at/ for face value.. getting emotional will amplify the negativity…

3. Most people are in a debate with themselves.. not fully trusting where they are and where they are going..

4. The pressure you feel is on the result of what and how muchh you put on yourself..

5. There are no rules.. you have the ability to define your own path, dreams, and outcomes.. no two stories are the same…

6. Your success is the result of you truly knowing who you are, how you operate, your preferences and passions..

7. As many get older they trade in dreams and excitement for stress and negativity — as well as too much strategy and not enough WORK or focusing on THE “DO.”

8. You get what you tolerate…

9. Respect people.. but never let them walk on you.. if you give somebody too much rope it will eventually end up around your neck…

10. There is no substitute for Believing in Yourself.. Make this your priority.. find conviction in all that you do.. Trust yourself.. always Believe in yourself..

And in the words of today’s featured artist.. Don’t back down from what you believe in.. stand your ground….there ain’t know easy way out… and in the world that keeps on pushing you around.. stand your ground!

I love looking outside of my industry for lessons.. and through the years there has always been a very tight bond between musicians and athletes — so today’s blog is a dedication to that connection and what we learn from each other…

I hope you enjoyed a different perspective on motivation today!

Originally published at danacavalea.com.





World Champion New York Yankees Director of Strength & Performance. High Performance Executive Coach. Keynote Speaker. On-Camera Talent. #trainlikeapro

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